The Electronic Transactions Association, (ETA) will be hosting a webinar December 10th, 2014, free for ETA members and only $99 for non-members.


This session, entitled “How to Use the ETA’s Guidelines on Merchant and ISO Underwriting and Risk Monitoring,” will delve deep into the industry’s most important resource to inform attendees how to increase the effectiveness of their internal procedures.


The webinar’s speaker, Deana Rich of Deana Rich Consulting, Inc., is a leading expert and bankcard industry leader with over 20 years of knowledge and experience.


So what makes this webinar so important?

ETA’s Guidelines on Merchant and ISO Underwriting and Risk Monitoring is the payments industry’s forefront resource for adhering to government, card brand, and bank rules and regulations. Published in early 2014 as a direct response to the Department of Justice’s Operation Choke Point, the Guidelines outline extensive procedures and strategies for underwriting and risk management. The goal, once the Guidelines have gone completely mainstream, is to eliminate fraudulent and hazardous payments practices, thus demonstrating to the government municipalities that merchant services providers can successfully audit and evade disreputable merchants.

This webinar will provide valuable insight to improving your business, understanding how to protect the consumer, and increasing the effectiveness of operating your merchant services provider.

So register now! Click here to get started.